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A member registered Jun 03, 2017

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Eatvolve community · Created a new topic new update

When ever the game updates do you have to rebuy the game? and btw hello again

yeah lol

and btw,i think i know an ability for the worm,the ability to dig underground for safety or something 

just gettin this out there,i had a weird dream about  eatvolve,where the birds (yes,there were multiple birds) were HUGE and there were whales and giant piranas or somethin,and then it transitioned to a different game,in a room that wasn't that games room,an

and up above,the worm thing,you should add some worms up top to become so that when you fix the bird,if your full worm the bird will come down to u,or you go up to the bird



and btw i wish i could send you a ton of money to help the game progress but i can't cuz i don't have any money,i'm only 9

ok i hope you do fix them cuz i wanna be one

and if i have to go up to it,i dunno how that'll happen

plz tell me how to find the tweeter/bird

i can't find the tweeter/bird thing and i've been to the surface several times,either i have to go up to it or it has to come down to me,do you need to be worm or something?